Jurnal Nasional



Jurnal Nasional Terakreditas


Jurnal Nasional Terakreditas


Jurnal Nasional Terakreditas


Jurnal Nasional Terakreditas


Jurnal Nasional Terakreditas


Jurnal Nasional Terakreditas


ABSTRAK: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pendapatan rumah tangga nelayan dan mengetahui kontribusi anggota rumah tangga nelayan di kawasan wisata pantai Binasi Kelurahan Binasi Kecamatan Sorkam Barat Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei dengan melakukan observasi secara langsung ke objek penelitian dengan mengumpulkan data melalui kuesioner, penentuan responden menggunakan metode sensus yang berjumlah 10 rumah tangga nelayan yang bekerja sebagai pelaku usaha di kawasan wisata pantai Binasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Pendapatan nelayan dari usaha penangkapan ikan dengan rata-rata pendapatan bersih sebesar Rp. 1.586.134/bulan sedangkan sumber pendapatan istri nelayan dari usaha warung makan di kawasan pantai sebesar Rp. 1.283.341/bulan, dengan rata-rata pendapatan rumah tangga nelayan yaitu Rp 2.869.475/bulan dan kontribusi yang diberikan oleh nelayan yaitu sebesar 55,20% sedangkan kontribusi dari istri nelayan sebesar 44,80%.


ABSTRAK: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui menghitung besar pendapatan dari berbagai sumber pendapatan rumah tangga  nelayan, menganalisis tingkat kemiskinan pada rumah tangga nelayan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan November 2018. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survey. Responden yang diambil dalam penelitian ini 37 orang yakni nelayan, istri nelayan, dan anak jika ada yang bekerja. Hasil yang didapatkan dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pendapatan  rumah tangga nelayan yaitu dengan total Rp. 2.021.392,- yaitu  di sektor perikanan sebesar Rp. 1.897.069,- perbulan dan di sektor non perikanan sebesar Rp. 124.300,- perbulan. Sumber pendapatan rumah tangga nelayan ini lebih besar dari sektor perikanan  daripada non perikanan. Tingkat kemiskinan  rumah tangga nelayan di Nagari Manggopoh Palak Gadang Ulakan  rata-rata yaitu pada tingkat hampir miskin dengan total 35 rumah tangga berada dalam tingkat hampir miskin dan 2 rumah tangga berada dalam tingkat miskin.




Pangkalan Lesung Urban Village is located in Pangkalan Lesung District, Pelalawan Regency, Riau Province. Pangkalan Lesung Urban Village has the potential for nature tourism in the form of hot spring baths, the existence of a nature tourism area can improve the economy of the informal sector through the provision of food for tourists who visit. One alternative food that can be done is processed from fishery products. In addition to having processed fishery products that have good nutritional content for health, they also have a high economic value, are used as processed food products and increase family income. The aim of the activity is to empower the community in Pangkalan Lesung Village, Pelalawan to be able to process fishery products into varied and ready-to-serve products. But still healthy for family consumption because it is created with various types of vegetables and fish. The benefit of the activity is that the community of Pangkalan Lesung Village gets the ability and skills in making fish nuggets and meatballs which have high nutritional value, improve the community’s economy and can be developed for further business. The method used is a demonstration and practice on how to process fishery products. The target community for this activity is PKK, with 25 members. The results of the evaluation of participants receiving and practising the material processing of fishery products to be used as entrepreneurship on the 17 August 2019 in Pangkalan Lesung Village.



One of the fishery products in Sungai Paku village is kijing, which is a freshwater mussel that lives naturally at the bottom of the river, and a community fish pond that utilizes leftovers from aquaculture. The potential of kijing is quite large and has good nutritional value especially the content of essential amino acids and Omega 3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA), but have not been utilized optimally. The objectives of this activity were to 1. Increase the knowledge and skills of the community to become creative, productive and independent processors, 2. Provide knowledge about the management of product licenses from BPOM (P-IRT), and 3. Provide production management skills and marketing strategies so that production develops and continuous (sustainable). The methods used in the implementation of this activity were: lectures, discussions, and direct practice of making crackers and snack products of kijing with various flavours: cheese, barbecue, and spicy flavor, with a farmer group Alam Bendungan consists 10 people who have been selected. From the implementation of this activity the service program target has been achieved well (100%), in which the Paku River village community which is incorporated into farmer group the Alam Bendungan Sungai Paku Village has become a creative, productive and independent processor, has knowledge of managing product licenses from BPOM (P-IRT), skilled in product management and marketing strategies so that production develops and continues (sustainable).



Teluk Kenidai Village is located in Tambang District, Kampar Regency, Riau Province. Teluk Kenidai Village has the potential for natural tourism in the form of beaches, which are one of the alternative tourist destinations for the community. The activities carried out are playing various kinds of rides and swimming on the banks of the Kampar River. The visitors to the island of love in Kenidai Bay are the largest visitors of all tourist objects in Kampar Regency. The existence of the island of love tourism can develop the community’s economy by providing special foods as souvenirs and drinks for tourist visitors. Alternative foods that can be done are processed crispy monitor fish and lime syrup drinks because these two things have very high potential in Kampar Regency, and can provide added value to people’s lives. The purpose of the activity is to empower the people of Teluk Kenidai Village, to process various crispy monitoring fish and to increase the attractiveness of the island of love for visiting tourists. The benefits of the activity are opening up people’s insights in increasing the potential of natural resources, gaining skills and abilities in making crispy monitor fish and lime syrup to improve the economy. The method is carried out by demonstration and hands-on practice in the manufacture of crispy monitoring fish and lime syrup. The target communities are the people living in Teluk Kenidai Village and village customary leaders and the Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis) totaling 15 people. Evaluation is carried out by giving questionnaires to all participats before and after the delivery of counseling materials and practices. The results of the evaluation of the community service activities that have been carried out show that the increasing desire of the community in practicing extension activities to earn additional income by opening this bussines, especially in the tourist area of Pulau Cinta in Teluk Kenidai Village.