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This study aimed to utilize the fish bone waste from different types of fish, Pangasius sp., Clarias sp., Paraplotosus sp. as a high calcium of bone flour and determine the quality characteristics of fish bone flour which was produced. The method used was a non-factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD), with different types of fish bones as treatments which consisting of 3 levels: Pangasius sp. bone (Tp), Clarias sp. bone (Tl), and Paraplotosus sp. bone (Ts) with 3 replications and 9 units of experimental units. The parameters tested were organoleptic, proximate analysis, calcium, phosphorus and whiteness degrees. The results showed that the Pangasius sp. bone flour (Tp) was the best treatment with characteristics of brilliant appearance, the distinctive aroma of fish was still felt, smooth and dry texture, as well as whiteness degrees that the best treatment in walking catfish bone flour with value 81.30%, referred to whiteness degrees of flour, it is below the range of 80-90%. Meanwhile the best proximate value was obtained in Paraplotosus sp. bone treatment (Ts) with moisture, ash, fat, protein, carbohydrate, calcium and phosphorus content was 5.71%, 54.60%, 2.57%, 25.21%, 10.83%, 38.4%, and 33.9%.



This research was conducted in July 2019 in Muara Sako, Langgam Village, Langgam District, Pelalawan Regency, Riau Province. The method used is a survey method by directly observing the spaciousness by collecting data through interviews based on a questionnaire, the population in this study were fishermen households living in the estuary of sako as many as 62 households. The results showed that 62 Muara Sako fishermen households as many as 46 (74.20%) had dependents ranging from 4-6 people and as many as 16 (25.80) had dependents ranging from 1-3 people, while respondents aged 40-49 were 27 (43.55%) and 42 people (67.74%) had never attended school. Muara Sako fishermen households are included in the category of low welfare level of 38 households (61.29%) and fishermen households included in the category of moderate welfare level are 24 households (38.71%).



Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 24 Februari- 12Maret 2020 di Korong Pasir Baru Nagari Pilubang Kecamatan Sungai Limau Kabupaten Padang Pariaman, Sumatera Barat. Penelitian ini bertujuan menghitung besarnya biaya investasi, pendapatan dan keuntungan usaha serta menganalisis kelayakan usaha perikanan tangkap dengan alat tangkap payang berdasarkan kriteria investasi RCR, FRR, dan PPC di Pasia Baru. Penelitian menggunakan metode survei. Total investasi yang ditanamkan nelayan Payang di Korong Pasia Baru dalam melakukan usaha dengan rata-rata sebesar Rp. 101.726.176. Biaya tetap yang dikeluarkansebesar Rp. 100.872.727 dan biaya kerja sebesar Rp.853.449. Pendapatan bersih pertahun nelayan pemilik berdasarkan bagi hasil adalah Rp. 65.322.720 / tahun dan untuk nelayan buruh adalah anak buah Rp.11.688.807 dan juru mudi adalah Rp. 23.377.614. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan kriteria investasi didapatkan yaitu nilai RCR  nelayan Payang 1,47 artinya nilai RCR>1, sehingga usaha yang dijalankan memberikan keuntungan untuk layak diteruskan.Nilai FRR nelayan Payang sebesar 63,21% yang artinya usaha penangkapan dengan alat tangkap Payang memperoleh nilai FRR lebih tinggi dibandingkan suku bunga bank BRI sebesar 5,4% per tahun, maka modal yang dimiliki lebih menguntungkan jika pada usaha penangkapan dibandingkan di Bank, usaha ini layak dilanjutkan. Nilai PPC untuk nelayan Payang 1,56 yang artinya  modal akan kembali pada waktu 1,5 tahun. Berdasarkan ketiga kriteria investasi yang sudah dihitung, usaha alat tangkap Payang layak untuk dikembangkan.



This research was conducted on March 6 – April 23, 2020 at the Sangkumpal Bonang Market, Padangsidimpuan City, North Sumatra Province. This study aims to determine the number of cobs perchased by household consumers (kg/month) and to analyze the factors that influence the demand for cobs in Sangkumpal Bonang Market, Padangsidimpuan City. The method used is a survey metheod. The technique of determining respondents using purposive sampling with a number of respondents 60 people. The results showed that the total tuna fish purchased by household consumers was 8 kg or with a percentage of 42% as many as 28 respondents, so that the average tuna consumption in 1-30 days was 0.3 kg and the factors that influence for tuna are the variable tuna price, the variable number of family members and income, while the variables that do not affect the tuna demand are the chicken substitution price in the Sangkumpal Bonang Market, Padangsidimpuan City.



This research aimed to know and to calculate the income of fresh seafood retailers in the Flamboyan Market, to analize the effects (capital, bussiness experience and education level. This research was conducted in December 2019. The method used within this research was survey method. There were 12 respondents as ritailers used within this research. The result of the research showed that the income range of ritailers was IDR Rp 2.130,000,- until IDR 9.740,000,-  and there are 3 ritailers who have income under  Kampar Regency’s UMR in 2009, namely IDR 2.719,000 . From the three variables analyzed, it can be seen that capital (X1), business experience (X2) and education level (X3) have regression coefficients (bi), namely (0.568), (0.706) and (0.129). The standard error of the independent variables ( Sbi) for that capital (X1), business experience (X2) and education level (X3) are (0.245), (0.292) and (0.262). This shows that the relationship between capital (X1), business experience (X2) and education level (X3) on the income of fresh marine fish retailers (Y) is unidirectional (positive). This means that with the increase in capital, Business Experience and Education Level will increase the income of fresh marine fish retailers.