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Penelitian tentang analisis bioekonomi sumberdaya ikan teri nasi telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus 2017 di Perairan Labuhanbatu Sumatera Utara. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengestimasi Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) dan Maximum Economic Yield (MEY), Effort Maximum Sustainable Yield (EMSY), Effort Maximum Economic Yield (EMEY) dan Effort Open Acces (EOA) sumberdaya ikan teri nasi di perairan Kabu[1]paten Labuhanbatu. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey dengan analisis data yang digunakan yaitu bioekonomi model Gordon-Schaefer. Hasil penelitian menunjuk[1]kan bahwa hasil tangkapan maksimum lestari (MSY) ikan teri nasi di Perairan Kabu[1]paten Labuhanbatu sebesar 8,934.71 ton/tahun dan Effort Maximum Sustainable Yield (EMSY) yaitu 47,379 trip/tahun, Maximum Economic Yield (MEY) ikan teri nasi sebesar 8,828.51 ton/tahun dan Effort Maximum Economic Yield (EMEY) yaitu 42,213 trip/tahun serta Effort Open Acces yaitu 84,427 trip/tahun. Tingkat keuntungan yang diperoleh saat MSY sebesar Rp. 2,299,906.65 per tahun dan MEY sebesar Rp. 2,334,868.58 per tahun. Berdasarkan hasil analisis model Gordon-Schaefer diperoleh bahwa produksi aktual ikan teri nasi di Perairan Labuhanbatu Sumatera Utara masih berada di bawah potensi lestari.



Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kondisi eksisting wisata danau Kajuik, mengkaji strategi pengembangan dan untuk mengetahui alternatif pengembangan wisata Danau Kajuik. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survei. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Danau Kajuik memiliki potensi ekowisata  yang masih asri, akan tetapi fasilitas dan infrastruktur di Danau Kajuik belum memadai, seperti kurangnya atraksi wisata dan sulit mengakses wisata Danau Kajuik terutama pada saat musim hujan disamping itu, Kecamatan Langgam memiliki destinasi wisata budaya yaitu tradisi Balimau kasai potang mogang yang digelar setiap tahunnya. Berdasarkan analisis kepentingan (Analisis SWOT) menunjukkan bahwa urutan prioritas strategi terdiri dari melakukan pengembangan wisata budaya dan bahari (ekowisata) dengan kepentingan 2,54, menggencarkan promosi wisata setempat dengan nilai kepentingan 1.72, pembangunan sarana dan prasarana pendukung objek wisata dengan nilai kepentingan 0,74.



Penelitian ini dilakukan di Pulau Benan Kecamatan Senayang Kabupaten Lingga Provinsi Kepulauan Riau. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung biaya perjalanan yang dikeluarkan pengunjung untuk berwisata ke Pulau Benan, menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kunjungan wisatawan ke Pulau Benan, Willingness to Pay (WTP)pengunjung terhadap harga tiket masuk Wisata Bahari Pulau Benan dengan metode valuasi kontingensi dan menghitung nilai surplus konsumen dan nilai ekonomi Wisata Bahari Pulau Benan. Responden ditentukan dengan pendekatan accidental sampling dengan jumlah 24 responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan total biaya perjalanan yang dikeluarkan semua pengunjung lokal dan mancanegara yang menjadi responden adalah sebesar Rp 58.831.962. Faktor yang mempengaruhi kunjungan wisatawan lokal adalah biaya perjalanan dan jarak sedangkan pada wisatawan mancanegara faktor yang mempengaruhi adalah biaya perjalan, pendapatan, umur dan jarak. Willingness to Pay (WTP) pengunjung dengan pendekatan CVM terhadap harga tiket masuk bahwa pengunjung Wisata Bahari Pulau Benan bersedia untuk membayar sebesar Rp13.611,- bagi wisatawan lokal sedangkan wisatawan mancanegara sebesar Rp25.666-, dilihat dari nilai rata-rata kesediaan untuk membayar responden. Kesediaan membayar responden pengunjung wisata diperoleh nilai total willingness to pay (WTP) sebesar Rp13.024.327/tahun. Adapun nilai surplus konsumen yang diperoleh wisatawan  lokal sebesar Rp 437.580.527,8 dengan nilai ekonomi Rp 54.403.454.471 sedangkan  wisatawan mancanegara sebesar Rp1.881.652,496 dan nilai ekonomi Rp 210.662.562,5,-diperoleh nilai ekonomi total Wisata Bahari Pulau Benan sebesar Rp 54.627.141.360,5,-.



The formulation of a strategy to prevent community-based land fires in Kuala Terusan Village was carried out in October 2018 to October 2019. The research method is survey method. Key informants included the Head of the Pelalawan District Disaster Management Agency, the Head of the Fire Regulations of the Pelalawan Regency Plantation Office, the Head of the Kuala Terusan Village, Community Leaders, the Chair of the Tuah Negeri farmer group and the Head of the Tanjung Mandiri farmer group. Key informants can increase if met by other parties who also play a role in preventing land fires in Kuala Terusan Village. Data analysis using SWOT analysis. The results of the formulation of the strategy are to increase community knowledge and attitudes towards preventing land fires through socialization, guidance and training, increasing community participation through institutional strengthening and providing incentives by the government to the Fire Concerned Farmers Group and Fire Concerned Communities, utilizing government resources and community capacity villages as a preventive measure for preventing land fires through building reservoirs, building canal blocks and providing infrastructure for preventing land fires for farmer groups, increasing collaboration between the government and the community through the establishment of a Patrol Team in efforts to prevent land fires and conducting routine patrol / supervision of migrants to the village which has the potential to cause a fire, maintain local wisdom of land clearing or preparation by not burning through the provision of assistance with tools and social assistance and issuing village regulations to improve ur rights, responsibilities and criminal provisions (legal sanctions) for communities in land management.



Research has been conducted in Kepenghuluan Melayu Besar Subdistrict Tanah Putih Tanjung Melawan in January to February 2018. The aim of this research was to analyze the indicator of the presence of Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae on 3M Plus movement in Kepenghuluan Melayu Besar Subdistrict Tanah Putih Tanjung Melawan and analyze the effect of 3M Plus movements and impacts socio-economic on the existence of Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae in Kepenghuluan Melayu Besar Subdistrict Tanah Putih Tanjung Melawan. The results showed that 3M Plus movement affected to decrease larva population in an area. The impact of the 3M Plus movement was viewed from an economic aspect, namely the costs incurred was cheaper than before the 3M Plus movement. The social impact gained from 3M’s movement Plus the empathy and feeling of mutual cooperation in the community, the use of recycled goods increases the aesthetic value because the use of used goods to be used as crafts, feeling safe and comfortable and not panicking when there is an attack of DHF and the emergence of clean living behavior and healthy in the community.



This research was conducted in November 2019 in Padang Mutung Village, Kampar District, Kampar Regency, Riau Province. This research aimed to analyze total investment, receipts, profit, and the feasibility of an enlargement business of Catfish in Padang Mutung Village, Kampar District, Kampar Regency, Riau Province. The method used is a survey method, determining the respondents using the census method. The results showed the average investment on a small scale is IDR. 210,793,000, on a medium scale is IDR. 270,026,250, on a large scale is IDR. 772,559,000. The average receipts on a small scale is IDR. 213,000,000 with the profit is IDR. 46,820,925, on a medium scale is IDR. 270,000,000 with the profit is IDR. 62,248,187, on a large scale is IDR. 892,500,000 with the profit is IDR. 139,979,375. This catfish enlargement business is feasible to be continued, based on RCR>1, FRR>bank interest rates and PPC value ranging from 3.78 to 6.78.



Forest is the most dominant area in composing the role of environmental services. One of the environmental services of forests is carbon absorption services. Forests play an important role in climate change, namely as carbon sinks and carbon storage (stock). Nature Tourism Park is one of the ecosystems that becomes CO2 storage and absorbent. The study was conducted for 1 (one) month in Buluh Cina Nature Tourism Park. This study aims to determine the potential of environmental services to absorb carbon, the economic value of environmental services to absorb carbon, and how the role of the government and society in the management of Buluh Cina Nature Tourism Park. The research method used in this study is a field survey method that measures tree diameters and determines tree species to determine carbon potential, the benefit transfer method to calculate the economic value of carbon absorption and indepht interviews to determine the role of government and society in environmental management in Buluh Cina Nature Tourism Park. The results showed that the potential of environmental services to absorb carbon aboveground level in Buluh Cina Nature Tourism Park was 358,919 tons / ha or 345,757,150 tons when extrapolated to the total breadth of Buluh Cina Nature Tourism Park. Furthermore, the results of the calculation using the benefit transfer method of the economic value of carbon absorbing services in the Buluh Cina Nature Tourism Park are Rp. 69,696,398,680, -. For the role of the government and the Society, the respondents consisted of the Head of the Buluh Cina Nature Tourism Park, the Head of Buluh Cina Village, Ninik Mamak and the Buluh Cina Village Society.The role of government and society cannot be separated from one another. The government and the society together maintain, protect and manage the Buluh Cina Nature Tourism Park in order to achieve environmental sustainability.



The main purpose of this research is to develop strategies for applying individual-scale rainwater harvesting technology to support sustainable urban agriculture to support food security in sustainable urban areas. The research was conducted at labaratory Applying Individual Scale Rainwater in Green House Housing Blok A. No. 1, Sialang Munggu, Pekanbaru. This study was conducted for four month, in Juni 2020 to October 2020. The research method used is analytical hierarchy process (AHP).whose analysis is supported using AHP Simon C Barnand United Kingdom (SCBUK) software, as well as establishing one identified single respondent who is considered a representative contributes significantly to recommending the assessment / justification of experts namely one of the lecturers of the Faculty of Engineering of Riau University who has implemented and pursued the field of research implementation of RWH Technology combined with IoT-based Agricultural Technology to support urban agriculture programs. The main results of the research stated that the plan of collaboration between the government and the community occupies the top priority supported by the implementation of successive PAH technology ground tanks, head tanks and hybridization of ground and head tanks supported by factors of land availability, construction costs and operational and maintenance costs.



This research was conducted at Marjoly Beach and Resort, Bintan Regency, Riau Islands Province. This study aims to describe the accommodation and entertainment as well as the socio-economic characteristics of visitors to Marjoly Beach and Resort, to analyze the factors that influence tourist visits to Marjoly Beach and Resort, to analyze the amount of economic value obtained by Marjoly Beach and Resort by accidental sampling with a total of 30 respondents. . The data needed in this research include primary and secondary data. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression and from consumer surplus using the travel cost method. Respondents are determined using the travel cost method approach by estimating the economic value seen from the consumer surplus. The results showed that the total travel costs incurred by all visitors as respondents were around Rp. 38,035,000. Factors that influence tourist visits to Marjoly Beach and Resort are travel costs, income and age. The consumer surplus value obtained from the travel cost method is Rp. 50,276,669.60/ person per year or Rp. 17,955,953.4/ person per visit, then the total economic value obtained from assuming a surplus of tourism consumers in Marjoly Beach and Resort is Rp. 2,295,129,967.25.